Today, April 7th is World Health Day! This year marks the 75th anniversary of the launch of the World Health Organization. And, the theme of the year is Health for All.
To me, health for all, means a renewed focus on understudied topics and underserved populations. The research that we do in the INTEGHRAL lab is centered around health disparities, particularly mental health as well as capacity building in low-resource settings. So, today in the spirit of health for all, I share the links to the 21 publications we disseminated last year.
The research covered in these publications pertain to health risk behaviors, disparities among adolescent and young adults, primarily focusing on the structural drivers of alcohol, violence and HIV/AIDS in the United States and globally.
Here's a brief summary and links to the papers. Collectively this work represents multiple international teams working to address health disparities both locally and globally. I am always so grateful for the teamwork and the opportunities to engage and learn from researchers, practitioners, community leaders and advocates.
If you have research ideas or would like to collaborate, please reach out. Meanwhile, take a look and let us know if you would like more information.
Knowledge of sexual consent as a protective factor against sexual violence perpetration among first-year college men: a moderation analysis. The study focused on
examining whether knowledge of sexual consent buffers the relationship between risk factors for sexual violence and perpetration among first-year college men in Georgia, US (Schipani-McLaughlin, Leone, Salazar, Swahn,& Khader, 2022).
Barriers to breast cancer screening in Atlanta, GA: results from the Pink Panel survey at faith-based institutions. The empirical research study focused on describing barriers to mammography screening among black women in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia (Balenger et al., 2022).
Attitudes and risky sexual behavior among youth in Kampala, Uganda: Empirical analyses of risk factors by gender. The study focused on elucidating the impact of peer and parental influence on adolescent’s sex behavior by gender among youth in Kampala, Uganda (Whitton, Swahn, Culbreth, & Kasirye, 2022).
Features of alcohol advertisements across five urban slums in Kampala, Uganda: pilot testing a container-based approach. The empirical study focused on piloting tests the development and Implementation of environmental scans of alcohol advertisements in five urban slums across areas of Kampala, Uganda i.e., Bwaise, Kamwokya, Makindye, Nakulabye, and Nateete (Swahn et al., 2022).
Prevalence and perception of substance abuse and associated economic indicators and mental health disorders in a large cohort of Kenyan students: towards integrated public health approach and clinical management. The empirical study focused on determining the prevalence of alcohol and drug abuse, the social-demographics characteristics, perception of abuse, associated economic indicators, mental disorders and how they inform potential interventions in Kenyan students (Mutiso et al., 2022).
PRACT: a pragmatic randomized adaptive clinical trial protocol to investigate a culturally adapted brief negotiational intervention for alcohol use in the emergency department in Tanzania. The empirical study focused on designing the innovative and adaptive trial protocol that will reduce the burden of alcohol use and related harm in other low-resource settings (Staton et al., 2022).
Preventing Alcohol-Related Harm in East Africa: Stakeholder Perceptions of Readiness across Five Countries. The empirical study focused on determining the readiness and capacity for preventing alcohol-related harm across five countries in east Africa i.e., Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda (Swahn et al., 2022).
Self-rated physical health, health-risk behaviors, and disparities: A cross-sectional study of youth in the slums of Kampala, Uganda. The empirical research study focused on examining how youth living in the slums of Kampala perceive their physical health and the psychosocial correlates of poor health (Patterson et al., 2022).
A Comparative Analysis of Gender Discrepancy Stress, Attitudes toward Intimate Partner Violence, and Perpetration among Young Adults in the USA and Uganda. The empirical study was on Presenting a comparative analysis of the association between gender discrepancy stress, attitudes towards intimate partner violence, and intimate partners violence perpetration between young adults in the U.S and Uganda (Lyons et al., 2022).
A Qualitative Assessment of Place and Mental Health: Perspectives of Young Women Ages 18–24 Living in the Urban Slums of Kampala, Uganda. The qualitative study findings from the TOPOWA project focused on examining the links between place and mental health using a qualitative assessment and focus group discussions with young women, 18 to 24 years of age, residing in three slums in Kampala, Uganda (Swahn, Nassaka, Nabulya, Palmier, & Vaught, 2022).
Association of Race and Area Deprivation With Breast Cancer Survival Among Black and White Women in the State of Georgia. The empirical study focused on examining the association between neighborhood deprivation and racial disparities in mortality among black and white patients with breast cancer in Georgia, US (Luningham et al., 2022).
Heavy drinking and problem drinking among youth in Uganda: A structural equation model of alcohol marketing, advertisement perceptions and social norms. The empirical study focused on Determining the role of alcohol marketing, perceptions of marketing and social norms on heavy alcohol use and problem drinking among vulnerable youth in Uganda (Swahn et al., 2022).
Research Capacity and Needs for Alcohol-Related Harm Prevention in West Africa: Findings From a Cross-Sectional Survey of Stakeholders. The qualitative study focused on Determining capacity and resource needs for alcohol prevention research among stakeholders across nine countries in West Africa (Swahn et al., 2022).
Violence exposure, self-reported mental health concerns and use of alcohol and drugs for coping among youth in the slums of Kampala. The empirical study focused on computing the prevalence of violence exposure types, polyvictimization, self-reported depression, anxiety and using substances to cope among youth age 12- 18 years living on the streets of Kampala, Uganda, and the independent association among orphan status, violence exposure types, self-reported health concerns and exploring the association between polyvictimization and mental health concerns (Perry et al., 2022).
A readiness assessment for the prevention of alcohol-related harm in West Africa: A new methodological approach to inform practice and policy. The empirical study focused on modifying a WHO tool used to assess child maltreatment to instead asses readiness for the prevention of alcohol-related harm across several West African countries (Swahn et al., 2022).
Demographic and psychosocial risk factors for adolescent pregnancies among sexually active girls in the slums of Kampala, Uganda. The empirical study focused on determining the correlation of adolescent pregnancy among sexually active girls living in the slums of Kampala (Swahn, Culbreth, Adams, Kasirye, & Shanley, 2022).
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Alcohol Treatment Access and Harm Prevention in West Africa: Reports from NGOs and Community-Based Organizations. The empirical study focused on examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on alcohol use, access to treatment and support services and alcohol harm prevention in West Africa (Swahn et al., 2022).
Sexual Violence Experience Among Nigerian Girls and Young Women: What Are the Roles of Early Sexual Debut, Multiple Sex Partnerships, and Traditional Gender Role Beliefs?
The empirical study focused on examining the risk factors associated with sexual violence victimization of Nigerian girls and young women (De Veauuse Brown, Annor, Swahn, & Self-Brown, 2022).
Sexual Victimization, Self-Efficacy to Refuse Sex While Drinking, and Regretting Alcohol-Involved Sex among Underserved Youth in Kampala, Uganda. The empirical study focused on determining whether youth who have experienced sexual victimization have lower self-efficacy to refuse sex and to identify intervention strategies for rape survivors to mitigate further health risks and harm (Swahn et al., 2022).
The culture of masculinity and sexual violence: Raising boys to be nonviolent men. The chapter focused on presenting an overview of the intersection between masculinity and the prevention of sexual violence among boys and men (Reidy, Leone, Bogen, & Swahn, 2022).
The impact of alcohol taxation changes on unrecorded alcohol consumption: A review and recommendations. The review focused on examining whether increases in taxation have led to increases in consumption of unrecorded alcohol and outlining mitigation strategies to reduce unrecorded alcohol use (Rehm et al., 2022).